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Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Pergunu and Contemporary Islamic Studies (December)
					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Pergunu and Contemporary Islamic Studies (December)

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024) of the Journal of Pergunu and Contemporary Islamic Studies presents ten manuscripts written by 25 authors from 15 institutions in Indonesia. This journal raises the main theme of innovation in Islamic education based on values, technology, and modern curriculum. Topics discussed include the integration of technology in Islamic value education, effective campaign strategies to strengthen Islamic education in Pasuruan, and the challenges and opportunities for modernizing religious practices in the technological era. In addition, there is a focus on curriculum design, using digital tools such as Canva, and applying deep learning and artificial intelligence in Islamic education. By involving various levels of education from PAUD to tertiary institutions, this journal aims to help improve teachers' quality and professionalism through learning innovations relevant to the Merdeka Curriculum and K13. Thus, this journal highlights the ongoing efforts of educators in presenting new, more effective learning methods to understand educational materials, while supporting government policies in developing more competent and contextual Islamic education.

Published: 2024-12-21
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Journal title : JPCIS: Journal of Pergunu and Contemporary Islamic Studies
Initials : JPCIS
Frequency : 2 issues per year (December and June)
DOI : - 
ISSN : -
Editor-in-chief : Rani Darmayanti, M.Pd
Publisher : Persatuan Guru Nahdlatrul Ulama (Pergunu) Kota Pasuruan Jawa Timur
Citation Analysis : Google Scholar
Acceptace Ratio :

JPCIS: Journal of Pergunu and Contemporary Islamic Studies (ISSN: xxxx-xxxx) is a scientific journal managed by Persatuan Guru Nahdlatrul Ulama (Pergunu) Kota Pasuruan Jawa Timur. Jurnal Penelitian Keislaman is designated  as the medium for the dissemination of academic articles in the field of Islamic studies, and it publishes two editions in a year:  December and June edition. The journal accept any research in the field of Islamic studies either review articles or research articles.