Impact of the Launch of the Pergunu Website on Integrated Islamic Education in Pasuruan City



Educational Technology, Islamic Education, Pasuruan City, Pergunu Website


Advances in information and communication technology have changed the educational landscape, including Islamic education. One of the innovations that has emerged is the launch of the Pergunu website which focuses on improving the quality of integrated Islamic education in Pasuruan City. This study aims to understand the impact of the launch of the Pergunu website on Islamic education in the region during the period 2019 to 2024. The research method used is the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) with a meta-analysis approach, which allows the integration of results from various studies to obtain stronger and more reliable conclusions. In this study, data were taken from 27 relevant studies published during that time period. These studies involved various subjects, ranging from students, teachers, to managers of Islamic educational institutions. The instruments used in this study include questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis. Meta-analysis was chosen as the main data analysis technique because of its ability to combine the results of various studies to produce more comprehensive findings. The results of this study indicate that the launch of the Pergunu website has made a significant contribution to improving the accessibility and quality of Islamic education in Pasuruan City. As many as 81.31% of the study subjects reported an increase in the use of information technology in the teaching and learning process. This reflects that the Pergunu website has succeeded in facilitating the integration of technology in Islamic education which previously may not have been optimal. In addition, there was an increase in user satisfaction of 71.29% related to the ease of access and quality of content provided by the Pergunu website. Users reported that the Pergunu website provided easily accessible and useful content, which contributed to an overall improvement in the learning experience. The conclusion of this study confirms that the launch of the Pergunu website has had a positive impact on integrated Islamic education in Pasuruan City. This positive impact can be seen from the increase in accessibility and user satisfaction. These findings emphasize the importance of utilizing technology in supporting the development of education in the digital era. Therefore, this study is expected to be a reference for the development of similar platforms in other areas, which can improve the quality of Islamic education more broadly.


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Impact of the Launch of the Pergunu Website on Integrated Islamic Education in Pasuruan City



How to Cite

Naim, M. A. (2024). Impact of the Launch of the Pergunu Website on Integrated Islamic Education in Pasuruan City. JPCIS: Journal of Pergunu and Contemporary Islamic Studies, 1(1). Retrieved from