Utilization of Canva in Enhancing the Creativity of NU Teachers in Distance Learning
canva, creativity, NU teachers, distance learning, literature review, prismaAbstract
The background of this study focuses on the challenges faced by teachers in nurturing creativity during distance learning, particularly among Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) teachers in Indonesia. As an easy-to-use graphic design platform, Canva offers the potential to stimulate creativity in the learning process. This research aims to identify the extent to which Canva can be effectively used to enhance teacher creativity and its impact on the quality of distance learning. The research employs a systematic literature review method using the PRISMA technique, involving an analysis of 25 articles published between 2018 and 2022. The subjects of the study include NU teachers engaged in distance learning, with a focus on the use of Canva as the primary instrument. Data analysis techniques include identifying key themes and evaluating the effectiveness of Canvas use in the educational context. The research results indicate that Canva can increase teacher creativity by up to 50%, as measured in 15 studies out of the 25 articles analyzed. Additionally, the use of Canva also enhances student participation in learning by up to 30%, demonstrating that this tool benefits teachers and positively impacts students. The conclusion is that Canva is an effective tool in enhancing NU teachers' creativity during distance learning and can potentially improve the overall quality of education.
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