The Use of Deep Learning to Improve Teaching and Learning in Islamic Schools
Deep Learning, Education, Islamic Schools, Learning TechnologyAbstract
In the modern digital era, artificial intelligence technology, especially deep learning, offers great potential to improve the quality of education in Islamic schools. This study aims to examine the impact of implementing deep learning in the context of teaching and learning in Islamic schools through a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) and meta-analysis approach from 2019 to 2024. The main motivation of this study is to provide a more adaptive and personalized teaching approach that can adapt to the various learning styles of students. This study involved collecting and evaluating data from 51 reliable literature sources that focus on the application of deep learning in education. Using SLR, this study screened relevant studies to ensure the quality and relevance of the data used. Furthermore, meta-analysis techniques were applied to combine the results of various studies to obtain clearer and more measurable conclusions regarding the impact of deep learning on student learning outcomes. The results of this analysis indicate that the application of deep learning can improve student learning outcomes by up to 27% compared to conventional teaching methods. In addition, this technology has been proven effective in increasing student interest and motivation to learn. The subjects of the study included students from various levels of education in Islamic schools with diverse socio-economic and cultural backgrounds. The conclusion of this study confirms that the integration of deep learning technology in the teaching process not only improves academic achievement but also plays a role in fostering students' interest in learning. These findings have important implications for the development of more innovative and technology-based education policies in Islamic schools. This study offers valuable insights for educators and policymakers to adopt more modern and effective learning approaches.
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