Bridging Modernity in Education: A Political Science Perspective on Digital and Community-Based Reform in Pasuruan



Islamic Education, campaign strategies, Pasuruan, Systematic Literature Review, NVIVO


Islamic education in Pasuruan faces significant challenges regarding its relevance and appeal to the current younger generation. This necessitates effective campaign strategies to strengthen its position within the local educational landscape. This study aims to identify and analyze campaign strategies that can enhance public participation and interest in Islamic education in Pasuruan from 2014 to 2024. Utilizing the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method, the study compiles and evaluates data from 50 journal articles and other relevant literature sources. Analysis is conducted using NVIVO software to identify key themes and successfully implemented strategies. The research findings reveal five main strategies effective in promoting Islamic education in Pasuruan. First, the use of digital media, which allows for widespread and rapid information dissemination, reaching the technology-savvy younger generation. Second, collaboration with local community leaders who act as change agents and can enhance the campaign's credibility and acceptance among the community. Third, developing a relevant and contextual curriculum aligned with contemporary needs to attract students' interest in learning. Fourth, teacher training aimed at improving their teaching competence and ability, ensuring they can deliver material in an engaging and effective manner. Lastly, improving educational facilities, including infrastructure upgrades and providing adequate learning facilities. This study solely uses literature as the primary data source without directly involving educational institutions or Islamic education figures in Pasuruan. The conclusion of this study emphasizes that structured and community-based campaign strategies can significantly enhance the quality and attractiveness of Islamic education in the region. These findings are expected to contribute significantly to the development of more effective, inclusive, and sustainable educational strategies in the future.


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How to Cite

Darmayanti, R., Solehudin, R. H., & Riono, S. H. (2024). Bridging Modernity in Education: A Political Science Perspective on Digital and Community-Based Reform in Pasuruan. JPCIS: Journal of Pergunu and Contemporary Islamic Studies, 1(1), 123–146. Retrieved from