Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Islamic Education Curriculum
artificial intelligence, Islamic education, curriculum, personalized learning, content analysisAbstract
In the digital era, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in education is essential to improve the quality of learning. This study explores the application of AI in the Islamic education curriculum to improve student learning outcomes. The problem raised is the minimal use of AI technology in Islamic learning, which can optimize student potential. This study is a narrative literature study that examines 17 relevant articles and books with qualitative content analysis methods. Data were analyzed thematically to identify key themes related to the implementation of AI in Islamic education. The results of the study indicate that AI can improve students' understanding of the subject matter, facilitate more personalized learning, and provide faster and more accurate feedback. In addition, AI helps teachers recognize students' specific needs, so that teaching can be tailored to individual abilities. In conclusion, the integration of AI in the Islamic education curriculum has great potential to improve the quality of education, provided there is adequate training for teachers and the development of supporting technological infrastructure. This study recommends collaboration between educational institutions, technology developers, and the government to realize effective AI integration.
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