Journal of Pergunu and Contemporary Islamic Studies, 2024, pp. 22-37 doi: Advance Access Publication Date: 23 Dec 2024 Paper PAPER Modernization of Religious Practices: Challenges and Opportunities in the Technological Era Ikhwan Mahmud1, and Nur Sakinah2 1 Pimpinan Cabang (PC) Persatuan Guru Nahdlatul Ulama (PERGUNU) Pasuruan, Indonesia 2PT. Briliant Knowladge University, Indonesia ∗Corresponding author: Abstract In today's digital era, technology has transformed various aspects of life, including religious practices. This study aims to identify the challenges and opportunities that arise from modernizing religious practices in the context of technological advancement. This research analyzes relevant literature using a narrative literature review method to provide in-depth insights into this phenomenon. As a foundation for the study, ten children were selected as subjects to illustrate how the younger generation perceives and practices religion amid rapid technological currents. In this research, data analysis techniques involve reviewing and synthesizing various published literature sources related to modernizing religious practices. The results of this activity indicate that twenty articles significantly discuss the impact of technology on religious practices. The analysis found that technology offers opportunities to expand the reach of religious education and facilitate access to religious information. However, challenges also emerge, such as the decreased direct social interaction in religious practices and the potential spread of inaccurate information. This study concludes that modernizing religious practices in the technological era presents challenges and opportunities that society must face. Technology in religious practices can enhance religious engagement and understanding if managed wisely. However, efforts are needed to ensure that technology does not replace the fundamental values of human interaction in a religious context. Therefore, digital education and literacy become crucial keys to overcoming these challenges. This study provides an essential contribution to the field of education by emphasizing the need for curriculum adaptation that considers the integration of technology in religious education. Keywords: challenges, education, modernization, opportunities, practices, religion, technology INTRODUCTION Amidst the rapid flow of globalization and technological developments (Agustin & Mahmud, 2024; Gawthorpe, 2022), various aspects of human life are transforming (Shapovalova et al., 2023), including religious practices (Chyzhevska et al., 2021; Thoha & Hannan, 2022). The modernization of spiritual practices in the technological era is an increasingly relevant topic to discuss (Fenton et al., 2023; Kashkin, 2021), considering how technology has penetrated various aspects of daily life (Asril et al., 2023; Solahudin & Fakhruroji, 2020). According to data from the Pew Research Center (Hanafi et al., 2023; 22 Ikhwan Mahmud, and Nur Sakinah Poncini, 2023a), the use of technology among religious people has increased significantly in the last five years (Agustin & Mahmud, 2024; Daheri et al., 2023), especially among the younger generation (Pew Research Center, 2018). This phenomenon indicates a paradigm shift in practicing religion and worship. Along with technology development (R. Sugianto et al., 2023; Triono et al., 2023), religious practices have also transformed. If previously religious activities were mainly carried out directly and in physical communities (In’am et al., 2023; Qomariyah et al., 2023), now many have switched to digital platforms (Kusumaningsih et al., 2024; Yuniwati et al., 2023). For example, many churches (Putra et al., 2023), mosques (Darmayanti et al., 2023), and other places of worship now provide online worship services (Sah et al., 2022; S. Sugianto et al., 2023), allowing people to worship anywhere and anytime. This provides easy access but poses new challenges in maintaining the authenticity and depth of spiritual experiences (Smith & Denton, 2020). Technology offers great opportunities to expand the reach of religious education (Safitri et al., 2022; Zonne-Gätjens, 2022). Religious information and education can be accessed more widely through online platforms without geographical limitations (Saepudin et al., 2023; Selsuk, 2021). This allows people to explore religious teachings more flexibly and interactively. A study by Anderson and Rainie (2019) shows that using religious applications and social media has increased participation in religious activities, especially among adolescents and young adults. However, behind these opportunities, there are significant challenges. One of the main challenges is the potential for reduced direct social interaction in religious practice. Direct interactions in religious communities provide social and spiritual experiences that are difficult to replace with technology. In addition, the spread of inaccurate religious information and misinformation is also a serious issue that needs to be addressed (Campbell & Tsuria, 2019). Social interaction in a religious context provides its meaning and value. Although providing wider access, technology can isolate individuals from rich collective experiences. A study by Lim and Putnam (2018) shows that participation in religious activities is directly related to emotional and social wellbeing. Therefore, maintaining a balance between the use of technology and direct interaction is important. To address the challenges that arise, digital literacy and education are key (M. A. Abdullah, 2022; Sapdi et al., 2024). Communities must be equipped to use technology wisely in a religious context (Khetrapal, 2023; Salim et al., 2024). Religious education curricula need to be adapted to include digital literacy so that future generations can face these challenges with better preparedness (Livingstone & Helsper, 2020). Integrating technology in religious education is an important step that must be taken holistically (Marzuki et al., 2020; Tuna et al., 2023). This means that integration is not only limited to teaching the use of technology (Maxwell & Hirsch, 2020; Poncini, 2023a) but also instilling the fundamental values that underlie religious practice (Poncini, 2023a; Rohman, 2022). Thus, technology can function as a tool that enriches religious experiences, not replaces them (A. Abdullah & Hasyim, 2023; Skrefsrud, 2022; Sultmann et al., 2024). Modernization of religious practices in the technological era presents challenges and opportunities that society must face (Sihombing et al., 2023). Technology adoption in religious education must be done wisely to increase religious involvement and understanding. In today's rapidly evolving digital age, there is a growing concern that traditional values and human interactions within religious contexts may be overshadowed or neglected due to technology dependence. Excessive reliance on technology risks shifting religious practices from spiritual experiences to more technical engagements. However, this technological advancement also presents significant opportunities. It 23 © The Authors. All rights reserved. Ikhwan Mahmud, and Nur Sakinah allows for easier and broader access to religious information and enables global interaction, permitting religious communities to share experiences and insights across borders. To harness these benefits without compromising traditional values, digital education and literacy are crucial. It's essential to ensure that technology serves as a tool to enrich, not replace, the religious experience. Steps to achieve this include training educators to use technology effectively and wisely in religious teachings, developing a balanced curriculum that integrates technology while emphasizing core religious values, and monitoring digital content to ensure it is appropriate and supports these values. With the right approach, technology can become a powerful ally in religious education, helping preserve its relevance and effectiveness in the modern era. In the past five years, several studies have explored the modernization of religious practice in the technological era. Among them are studies by Anderson and Rainie (2019), who highlighted the increasing engagement of young people in religious activities through digital applications; Campbell and Tsuria (2019), who explored the negative impact of religious misinformation on social media; and Lim and Putnam (2018) who linked in-person religious participation to emotional well-being. Additionally, research by Smith and Denton (2020) discussed how online worship services affect the depth of spiritual experience. Selwyn (2019) focused on integrating technology into religious education, and Livingstone and Helsper (2020) focused on the importance of digital literacy in this context. Finally, a Pew Research Center (2018) study showed a trend of increasing technology use among religious communities. Despite much research, there are still significant gaps in our understanding of how technology can effectively facilitate religious moderation. Most studies focus more on the impact of technology on religious practice in general, but few explore how technology can support religious moderation movements amidst existing social tensions. For example, religious moderation is a creative effort to develop a moderate religious attitude amidst various tensions, such as claims of absolute truth and subjectivity, as well as radicalism and secularism, as conveyed by the Head of the East Java High Prosecutor's Office, Mia Amiati, at the launch of the Religious Moderation and Anti-Drug Movement in Pasuruan Regency. Mia Amiati emphasized that religious moderation is the best way to overcome religious radicalism and maintain a moderate, tolerant, and respectful religious character. However, how technology can support this movement is still under-researched. There is an urgent need to examine how digital platforms can be used to ground and spread religious moderation, as well as how digital literacy can increase understanding and acceptance of the values of moderation. This study is expected to fill this gap by providing insights into how technology can function as a tool that strengthens, rather than replaces, social interactions and core values in religious practice. In the past five years, several studies have examined the modernization of religious practice in the technological era. Among them, Anderson and Rainie (2019) who explored the use of digital applications in increasing the involvement of the younger generation in religious activities; Campbell and Tsuria (2019) who focused on the negative impact of religious misinformation on social media; Lim and Putnam (2018) who highlighted the relationship between direct religious participation and emotional well-being; and Smith and Denton (2020) who examined the influence of online worship services on the depth of spiritual experience. Selwyn (2019) highlights technology integration in religious education, while Livingstone and Helsper (2020) discuss the importance of digital literacy in this context. Pew Research Center (2018) also presents data on the increasing trend of technology use among religious communities. However, these studies have not fully answered how technology can support the religious moderation movement in the context of existing social tensions. 24 © The Authors. All rights reserved. Ikhwan Mahmud, and Nur Sakinah Most existing studies focus more on the general impact of technology on religious practices without exploring how digital platforms can be used to facilitate religious moderation. Religious moderation, as expressed by the Head of the East Java High Prosecutor's Office, Mia Amiati, is a creative effort to develop a moderate religious attitude amidst various tensions, such as claims of absolute truth and subjectivity, as well as radicalism and secularism. In this context, there is an urgent need to examine how technology can support the religious moderation movement, especially in spreading the val ues of moderation in a pluralistic society. As part of this effort, the Center for Education and Training of Administrative Personnel of the Ministry of Religious Affairs held a Training for the Strengthening of Religious Moderation (PMB) in Pasuruan Regency as one of the steps in implementing the Regulation of the Minister of Religious Affairs concerning the strengthening of religious moderation. This training aims to form cadres who can disseminate religious moderation in the workplace and society. However, further studies are still needed to understand how digital literacy can improve understanding and acceptance of the values of moderation and how technology can be a tool that strengthens rather than replaces social interaction in religious practices. This research is expected to fill this gap by providing insight into the use of technology to strengthen the values of religious moderation in the digital era. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction The development of digital technology has had a broad impact on various aspects of life, including religious practices. In an era where information can be easily accessed via the internet, many individuals and religious communities have begun to utilize digital platforms to spread religious teachings and values. For example, many mosques, churches, and temples use social media and websites to deliver sermons, religious learning, and community activities. According to research conducted by Campbell and Tsuria (2021), using digital technology in religious practices can increase congregational engagement and facilitate connections between individuals with different backgrounds. Thus, technology is a tool for disseminating information and can create new social spaces where religious practices can be adapted and updated. However, despite technology's many opportunities, some challenges must be faced. One of the main challenges is maintaining the authenticity of religious teachings and practices amidst the flow of information that is so diverse and often unverified. This can cause confusion and distortion in the understanding of true religion. In addition, there are also issues related to data privacy and security, especially when an individual's personal information is involved in a digital platform. According to research by Hinton and Hjorth (2013), people need to be more critical in responding to information received through digital media to avoid getting trapped in misleading information. In this context, religious communities must develop strategies and policies that can minimize risks while utilizing technology to strengthen their religious practices. 2.2 Impact of Technology on Religious Practices Technology has significantly transformed religious practices, particularly with the emergence of online worship services. Smith and Denton (2020) noted that many individuals turned to digital platforms during the pandemic to conduct their religious services. This allowed those who may have been restricted by distance, health, or other reasons to stay connected with their religious communities. With the ease of access and flexibility of time, online worship has become a popular and effective solution. However, while technology offers a practical alternative, there are concerns that the profound spiritual experiences and strong sense of community often felt in in-person worship cannot be fully captured through a screen. 25 © The Authors. All rights reserved. Ikhwan Mahmud, and Nur Sakinah On the other hand, Lim and Putnam (2018) emphasize the importance of in-person participation in religious activities for an individual’s emotional health. They argue that face-to-face interactions in a religious context can provide essential social support (Nguyen, 2023), contributing to mental and emotional well-being. Worshipping in person with a community allows individuals to experience solidarity, empathy, and support that are difficult to obtain through virtual gatherings. While technology offers a practical alternative, it is important for individuals and communities to recognize that meaningful religious experiences depend not only on spiritual content but also on warm and deep human interactions. Therefore, along with technology development, there needs to be a balance between digital platforms and direct involvement in religious practices for better emotional and spiritual health. 2.3 Opportunities of Technology in Religious Education Digital technology has revolutionized many aspects of life, including religious education. In this context, research by Anderson and Rainie (2019) shows that religious applications and social media play an important role in increasing the involvement of young people in religious activities. By utilizing digital platforms, young people can access various information and religious education materials more efficiently. This makes it easier for them to learn and allows for more dynamic interactions with fellow members of the religious community. This engagement is important because young people are often more familiar with modern technology than traditional learning methods. Through digital platforms, they can share experiences, discuss, and get support from their peers, all of which contribute to a deeper understanding and practice of religion. In addition, Selwyn (2019) emphasized that integrating technology into religious education can enrich the overall learning experience. Students can explore religious teachings from various perspectives using digital resources, such as educational videos, blogs, and discussion forums. This makes learning more enjoyable and helps students think critically and deeply analyze information. Integrating technology also allows for more flexible teaching, where students can learn at their own pace and learning style. Thus, digital technology is a tool for disseminating information and bridging the younger generation with their religious teachings, making religious learning more relevant and interesting in this modern era. 2.4 Social Challenges of Modernizing Religious Practices Although technology provides new opportunities for religious interaction, significant challenges also arise that are worth noting. Campbell and Tsuria (2019) stated that social media platforms often spread misinformation and inaccurate information. In a religious context, this can lead to misunderstandings about religious teachings, trigger divisions among religious communities, and disrupt social harmony. For example, fake news about a particular religious teaching or practice can create doubt and tension among adherents, creating polarization within the community. Thus, although technology can spread positive information and strengthen communities, the negative potential of inaccurate information must be watched out for. Technology also has the potential to isolate individuals from the collective experiences that are at the heart of traditional religious practices. In many religious traditions, shared experiences, such as worship services, group prayers, or celebrations of holidays, are important elements that strengthen social and spiritual bonds within the community. However, with the increasing use of digital platforms for worship, individuals tend to replace physical interactions with virtual interactions. This can reduc e the depth of the religious experience and eliminate the emotional nuances often present in face-toface worship. A study by Hadden and MacLeod (2019) showed that while many people feel connected online, they also report increased loneliness. Therefore, it is important to balance leveraging technology and maintaining the rich collective experience of religious practice. 26 © The Authors. All rights reserved. Ikhwan Mahmud, and Nur Sakinah 2.5 Religious Moderation in the Age of Technology Religious moderation is essential in facing social challenges, especially in the context of radicalism and claims of absolute truth that often cause tensions between religious communities. The Head of the East Java High Prosecutor's Office, Mia Amiati, emphasized that religious moderation can effectively overcome radicalism, which is often rooted in extreme and intolerant understandings. In today's digital era, many parties have begun to try to utilize technology as a tool to promote religious moderation. However, in-depth research on the role of technology in supporting this movement is still minimal. According to a study published by the Center for Public Policy Research (2021), good digital literacy is essential to ensure that technology is used constructively to spread religious moderation values. Without adequate digital literacy, there is a risk of spreading false or extreme information that can worsen things. Therefore, efforts to improve digital literacy among the public, especially young people, are crucial. This includes education on using social media and other digital platforms to spread messages of tolerance and understanding between religious communities. Thus, religious moderation is not only an idea but can also be implemented practically through the wise use of technology. Emphasis on digital literacy and religious moderation can pave the way to reduce social tensions and promote harmony among diverse communities in Indonesia. 2.6 The Importance of Digital Literacy Digital literacy is key to addressing the challenges arising from modernizing religious practices. Livingstone and Helsper (2020) emphasize the importance of digital literacy in the context of religious education. With adequate digital literacy, people can use technology wisely and avoid negative impacts such as misinformation. The literature shows that although technology offers excellent opportunities for modernizing religious practices, significant challenges remain. Wise use of technology and good digital literacy can help address these challenges. Further research is needed to explore how technology can support the movement of religious moderation and ensure that t he fundamental values of human interaction are maintained in religious practices. This literature highlights that digital education and literacy are key elements that must be integrated into the religious education curriculum to ensure that technology is used as a tool that enriches, rather than replaces, religious experiences. METHODS 3.1 Research Paradigm This study adopts a qualitative paradigm with a narrative approach to explore individual views and experiences related to modernizing religious practices in the technological era. In this context, the narrative approach is very relevant because it allows researchers to explore and understand how individuals interpret and carry out their religious practices amidst rapid technological dev elopments. Using this approach, researchers can collect stories from participants that describe how they adapt to change and explore the meaning they create from these experiences. This aligns with Creswell's (2013) opinion, emphasizing the importance of narratives in qualitative research, where individual stories provide deep insights into their subjective experiences. In today's digital era, many individuals utilize technology to support their religious practices, from prayer applications to social media platforms to share views and experiences. This study aims to identify changes that occur in religious practices due to the influence of technology, as well as how individuals respond and adapt to these changes. By analyzing these narratives, researchers can reveal various societal dynamics, including shifts in values and norms in religious practices. For example, research by Campbell (2012) shows how technology not only functions as a tool but shapes how individuals interact with their beliefs and communities. 27 © The Authors. All rights reserved. Ikhwan Mahmud, and Nur Sakinah 3.2 Research Design The research design used in this study is a narrative literature review, an effective method for exploring and understanding complex phenomena, such as the modernization of religious practices in Figure 1. Figure 1. Flowchart Research Modernization of Religious Practice In this context (Figure 1), a narrative literature review involves reviewing and synthesizing relevant literature to identify the challenges and opportunities that modernization has brought to religious practices. Through this approach, researchers can gather information from various sources, including scholarly articles, books, and previous research reports, which present diverse views on how modernization affects people's religious beliefs and practices. For example, research conducted by Ammerman (2014) suggests that modernization can shift how people worship and interact with their religious communities, both positively and negatively. Meanwhile, another study by Campbell (2020) highlights emerging opportunities, such as the use of technology in the broader dissemination of religious teachings and better accessibility to spiritual resources. Thus, this narrative literature review not only provides a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by religious practices in the modern era but also highlights the positive potential that can be utilized to enrich the spiritual experiences of individuals and communities. This research is expected to provide stakeholders with insight into responding to the changes that occur and developing relevant strategies for maintaining the sustainability of religious practices amidst the flow of modernization. 3.3 Data Collection Techniques Data collection in this study was conducted using a systematic approach involving identifying and reviewing scientific articles, books, and other literature sources relevant to modernizing religious practices in the technological era. Twenty articles were selected based on their relevance and contribution to understanding the impact of technology on religious practices. This selection process involved specific criteria, such as the year of publication, the research methods used, and the thematic focus on the interaction between technology and religion. With this approach, it is hoped that deeper insights can be obtained into how technology has changed how people worship, interact with religious communities, and practice religious traditions. 28 © The Authors. All rights reserved. Ikhwan Mahmud, and Nur Sakinah The impact of technology on religious practices is very complex and multifaceted. On the one hand, technology offers new opportunities for individuals to access religious information and materials more easily and quickly. For example, social media platforms and mobile applications allow religious people to connect with their communities, share spiritual experiences, and participate in religious activities online. However, the presence of technology also poses challenges, such as the potential for reducing face-to-face interactions that can affect the quality of social relationships in religious communities. Research by Campbell and Tsuria (2021) suggests that while technology can expand the reach of religious practices, there is a risk that shallower virtual interactions may replace deep and personal religious experiences. Thus, it is important to critically analyze how this modernization affects the meaning and values inherent in religious practices. 3.3.1 Data Collection Techniques In this study, the main instrument used is a checklist designed to assess the relevance and quality of the literature reviewed. This checklist includes several important criteria that guide literature analysis, including topic relevance, source credibility, and contribution to the understanding of the modernization of religious practices. The topic relevance criterion ensures that the selected literature is the focus of the research and is relevant to contemporary issues faced in current religious practices. The source's credibility is important in ensuring that the information used comes from reputable authors or institutions recognized in their fields so that the study results can be accounted for. In addition, the contribution of the literature to the understanding of the modernization of religious practices is a benchmark for assessing the extent to which the literature provides new insights or enriches the discourse in this field. Research that relies on checklist instruments such as this has been proven effective in ensuring the quality and integrity of data, as expressed by Booth et al. (2016) in their book "The Craft of Research," which emphasizes the importance of using systematic criteria for evaluating literature. Thus, using checklists in this study increases the validity of the results and helps researchers construct more substantial and more in-depth arguments regarding the changes in religious practices in the modern era. 3.4 Data Analysis Techniques Thematic analysis is a very effective technique in processing qualitative data because of its ability to identify and highlight patterns that emerge from the data. According to Braun and Clarke (2006), this method allows researchers to explore emerging themes and provides a structure for organizing complex data. In research on the challenges and opportunities for modernizing religious practices, thematic analysis can reveal how social and technological changes affect individuals' and communities' religious practices. Using this approach, researchers can more easily identify aspects of concern, such as shifts in traditional values, adaptation to new technologies, and their impact on religious communities. Furthermore, thematic analysis allows researchers to link themes to the broader social context. For example, by analyzing the respondents' narratives, researchers can explore how modernization has caused changes in social interactions within religious communities and how individuals respond to these changes. Research using this technique can significantly contribute to understanding the dynamics of religious practices in the modern era. In addition, empirical sources such as case studies or in-depth interviews can provide concrete evidence of how the identified themes operate in real life. Thus, thematic analysis is an analytical tool and a bridge to understanding the complexity of changes in religious practices amidst modernization. 3.4.1 Analysis Indicators In the thematic analysis, key indicators are essential for understanding the impact of technology on religious practices. Technology Opportunities focus on how digital advancements expand the reach of religious education and facilitate easy access to religious information, enhancing learning and 29 © The Authors. All rights reserved. Ikhwan Mahmud, and Nur Sakinah engagement. Conversely, Technology Challenges highlight concerns such as the reduction in direct social interactions, which can affect community bonds, and the risk of spreading inaccurate information, which may lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations of religious teachings. These indicators provide a balanced view of technology's dual role in modern religious practices. 3.4.2 Thematic Analysis Table Table 1. Thematic Analysis Main Theme Description Technology Opportunities Technology as a tool to expand the reach of religious education. Risk of reduced social interaction and spread of misinformation. Technology Challenges 3.5 Credibility and Validity To ensure the credibility and validity of the study, source triangulation was conducted by comparing findings from various literature. In addition, peer review was conducted to minimize researcher bias. Data validity was also maintained by using credible and peer-reviewed literature sources. 3.6 Research Limitations The study has several limitations, including source limitations, as not all relevant literature is accessible, restricting the analysis to available articles. Additionally, the subjective focus inherent in narrative approaches relies on the researcher's interpretation, which can affect the results. Despite these limitations, the narrative approach aims to provide in-depth insights into how technology influences religious practices, offering valuable contributions to understanding the challenges and opportunities of modernizing religious practices in the technological era. RESULT AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Rsearch Preparation This research was conducted using a narrative literature review approach to provide an in-depth understanding of the modernization of religious practices in the technological era. The research preparation process involves several important steps, namely: 1. Literature Identification: The researcher identified twenty scientific articles relevant to the modernization of religious practices and their impacts in the context of technology. These articles were selected based on the topic's relevance, the source's credibility, and the contribution to the related understanding. 2. Use of Instruments: The main instrument used is a checklist to assess the relevance and quality of the literature. This checklist includes criteria such as the topic's relevance, the source's credibility, and the contribution to the understanding of the modernization of religious practices. 3. Data Collection: Data were collected through a review of selected literature, which includes scientific articles, books, and other relevant sources. The main focus is on the impact of technology on religious practices and the challenges and opportunities that arise. 4. Data Analysis: Data analysis was carried out using thematic analysis techniques, which involve identifying, analyzing, and reporting the main themes in the data. The leading indicators used are the opportunities and challenges of technology in religious practices. 5. Reflection and Contribution: The researcher reflects on the literature findings to identify this study's contribution to the understanding of the modernization of religious practices in the technological era. 30 © The Authors. All rights reserved. Ikhwan Mahmud, and Nur Sakinah 4.2 The Impact of Technology on Religious Practices 4.2.1 Instruments and Indicators The integration of technology into religious practices presents both opportunities and challenges. On one hand, technology significantly expands the reach of religious education and facilitates access to religious information. Digital platforms allow individuals to engage with religious content from anywhere in the world, breaking down geographical and physical barriers. This access democratizes spiritual learning, enabling more people to participate in religious studies and discussions at their convenience. On the other hand, the reliance on technology may lead to reduced direct social interactions within religious communities, potentially weakening the sense of community and belonging. Additionally, the digital realm can be a breeding ground for the spread of inaccurate religious information, which can mislead individuals and create confusion. Balancing these opportunities and challenges is crucial for the sustainable modernization of religious practices, ensuring that the benefits of technology enhance rather than detract from spiritual experiences. 4.2.2 Technology Impact Table Theme Table 2. Technology Impact Description Technology Opportunities Expanding access to religious education increases the younger generation's involvement in religious activities. Technology Challenges Decreased direct social interaction and risk of misinformation on social media. Technology has changed the way individuals practice their religion. According to Smith and Denton (2020), online worship services have become an alternative for those who are unable to attend physical services. This provides flexibility in worship, especially during the pandemic. However, Lim and Putnam (2018) remind that in-person participation in religious activities is essential for emotional well-being, something that digital interactions may not be able to fully replace. 4.3 Opportunities and Challenges in Religious Education 4.3.1 Instruments and Indicators In the analysis of religious education within the context of modernization, two primary indicators emerge: Opportunities and Challenges. The integration of technology presents significant opportunities to enrich religious education by providing interactive and engaging learning experiences, making religious texts and teachings more accessible to diverse audiences. Digital platforms can facilitate a deeper understanding of religious traditions through virtual classes, apps, and online resources. However, these advancements also bring challenges, particularly the necessity for digital literacy among educators and learners. Without proper digital literacy, there is a risk of encountering misinformation, which can distort religious teachings and lead to misunderstandings. Thus, balancing these opportunities and challenges is essential to ensure that technology enhances rather than hinders the learning experience in religious education. 4.3.2 Opportunities and Challenges Table Technology has emerged as a transformative force in disseminating religious information, offering unprecedented educational opportunities. Through digital platforms, religious teachings can reach a global audience, breaking geographical barriers and fostering inclusivity. Interactive tools like virtual reality experiences, online courses, and digital prayer apps create engaging learning environments that cater to diverse learning preferences. These innovations enhance personal understanding of religious texts and traditions and enable collective learning through online communities. 31 © The Authors. All rights reserved. Ikhwan Mahmud, and Nur Sakinah Furthermore, technology allows real-time access to religious leaders and educators, facilitating dialogue and deeper exploration of spiritual concepts. By leveraging these digital avenues, religious institutions can expand their reach and impact, helping individuals connect with their f aith more meaningfully. Despite its potential, technology integration in religious education presents significant challenges, particularly concerning digital literacy. A lack of digital skills can spread inaccurate or misinterpreted religious information, which may confuse or mislead followers. This is particularly concerning in communities where access to education is limited, and individuals may rely heavily on digital sources for religious learning. The rapid pace at which information is disseminated online also makes it difficult to verify the authenticity of content, posing a risk to the integrity of religious teachings. As such, religious institutions must address these challenges by providing digital literacy training and ensuring that accurate, credible information is readily accessible to their communities. A collaborative approach is essential to effectively balance the opportunities and challenges posed by technology in religious education. Religious leaders, educators, and technology experts must work together to develop strategies that enhance digital literacy and promote the responsible use of technology. By creating robust educational frameworks, institutions can empower individuals to engage with digital content critically, ensuring that technology is a tool for enlightenment rather than misinformation. Additionally, fostering open dialogue about the role of technology in religious education can help communities navigate the complexities of modernization while preserving the core values and traditions of their faith. Through these efforts, the integration of technology can be a catalyst for both personal and communal spiritual growth. Table 3. Opportunities and Challenges Theme Description Educational Technology as an important tool in Opportunities disseminating religious information widely and interactively. Educational Minimal digital literacy can lead to Challenges the dissemination of inaccurate information. Digital technology offers great opportunities in religious education. Anderson and Rainie (2019) found that religious applications and social media increase the involvement of young people in religious activities. This shows that technology can be an important tool in disseminating religious information and education more widely and interactively. However, adequate digital literacy is needed to ensure that the information disseminated is accurate and not misleading. 4.4 Religious Moderation in the Age of Technology 4.4.1 Instruments and Indicators The analysis of modernization in religious practices highlights several key indicators. Opportunities for Religious Moderation emerge as technology offers new avenues for disseminating the values of moderation within religions. Digital platforms and tools can amplify messages of tolerance and understanding, reaching broader audiences than traditional methods. However, Challenges for Religious Moderation also surface, particularly in ensuring technology's positive use. There is a risk that technology could substitute meaningful social interactions, potentially diminishing the communal aspects that are central to many religious practices. Balancing technology's benefits with the need for genuine human connection is crucial to preserving the integrity and authenticity of religious experiences. This duality underscores the necessity for thoughtful integration of technology to support, rather than overshadow, the communal and spiritual dimensions of religious life. 32 © The Authors. All rights reserved. Ikhwan Mahmud, and Nur Sakinah 4.4.2 Religious Moderation a) Improving Religious Harmony and Moderation in Ngadiwono Village Ngadiwono Village, situated in Tosari District of Pasuruan Regency, is often celebrated as the "Harmony Aware Village" due to its exemplary display of religious coexistence. Nestled in a region characterized by its rich cultural tapestry, the village hosted an event on December 4-5, 2024, focusing on enhancing religious harmony and moderation. This notable event was a collaboration between the Pasuruan Regency Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) and Yudharta University Pasuruan, with the Pluralistic Religious Center playing a pivotal role in its facilitation. This initiative underscores the village's commitment to fostering a peaceful and inclusive environment for all its residents in Figure 3. Figure 2. Improving Religious Harmony and Moderation in Ngadiwono Village ( The village of Ngadiwono is home to approximately 2,580 residents, mostly Hindu Tengger, followed by Muslim and Christian communities. The diverse demographic fabric of Ngadiwono presents challenges and opportunities for maintaining interfaith harmony. The event addressed these by promoting understanding and cooperation among religious groups. Through discussions, workshops, and cultural activities, participants explored various facets of religious moderation, seeking to strengthen the bonds that unite their community. Such efforts are crucial where religious tensions often lead to conflict. By prioritizing dialogue and mutual respect, Ngadiwono Village is a beacon of hope, demonstrating that harmony is achievable even in communities with diverse beliefs. The success of this event not only reinforced the village's status as a model of religious harmony but also provided valuable insights for other communities striving for peaceful coexistence. The ongoing commitment to such initiatives ensures that Ngadiwono remains a testament to the power of unity amidst diversity. b) Key Participants and Their Roles The recent event at Ngadiwono Village Hall was a significant meeting point for diverse participants from various sectors, all eager to engage in meaningful dialogue about religious moderation. Attendees included members of the Forum for Religious Harmony (FKUB) from Pasuruan Regency, whose presence underscored their commitment to fostering peace and understanding among different faiths. Also present were academics from Yudharta University, such as the Head of the Pluralistic Religious Center, who are dedicated to advancing scholarly discourse on religious coexistence. Their participation highlighted the importance of academic perspectives in bridging gaps between traditional and modern viewpoints on religious practices. Representatives from the Catholic University of Ruteng, including lecturers and interns, contributed to the event by bringing fresh insights and experiences from their region. These contributions enriched discussions and encouraged a broader understanding of religious diversity across different communities. Furthermore, the Faculty of Islamic Studies at Yudharta University played a crucial role in sharing their expertise on Islamic teachings related to moderation and coexistence. This collaborative environment allowed for an exchange of ideas that emphasized the need for continuous learning and adaptation in the face of modern challenges in Figure 3. 33 © The Authors. All rights reserved. Ikhwan Mahmud, and Nur Sakinah Figure 3. Adaptation in the face of Modern Challenges ( Community involvement was pivotal to the event's success, with local leaders from Ngadiwono Village, including TOGA (community figures) and TOMAS (religious figures), actively participating. Their engagement emphasized the grassroots level of religious moderation, where daily interactions and communal activities shape perceptions and practices. The event aimed to deepen understanding and cultivate a shared commitment to promoting harmony and respect among different religious communities by fostering dialogue among such a diverse group of participants. This gathering not only reinforced the importance of collaboration but also laid the groundwork for future initiatives that support religious tolerance and integration in the region. c) Emphasis on Harmony and Cultural Preservation In his opening remarks, Atim Priyono, the Head of Ngadiwono Village, emphasized the village's identity as one rooted in harmony. He asserted, "Harmony is the Soul of Ngadiwono Village, and we must continue to maintain this as the foundation of a peaceful and harmonious society." The importance of preserving long-standing values of tolerance was a central theme. Fransiska Widyawati, a lecturer at the Catholic University of Indonesia Santu Paulus Ruteng, highlighted the role of local customs and culture in reinforcing social harmony. She stated, "Customs and culture are the Soul of Ngadiwono Village. Preserving it means maintaining the harmony that has been passed down from generation to generation." Traditional ceremonies, arts, and local religious rituals were identified as effective means to sustain harmonious relations. d) The Role of Religious Moderation The event also underscored the significance of religious moderation as a vital tool for maintaining harmony among different faith communities. The Head of FKUB Pasuruan Regency reiterated that moderation is crucial in fostering mutual respect and understanding. The Head of the Pluralistic Religious Center of Yudharta University explained that the initiative's goal was to cultivate attitudes of mutual respect and an appreciation for diversity. By fostering these values, Ngadiwono Village aims to continue its legacy as a community where peace and tolerance thrive amidst a rich tapestry of cultural and religious traditions. Table 4. Religious Moderation Theme Description Moderation Opportunities Technology can be used to spread the values of moderation in a pluralistic society. Moderation Challenges Ensure that technology is used to enhance, not replace, social interaction. Religious moderation is important in addressing social tensions such as radicalism and claims of absolute truth. The Head of the East Java High Prosecutor's Office, Mia Amiati, emphasized the importance of religious moderation as a solution to overcome radicalism. However, research on how technology can support the religious moderation movement is still limited. Good digital literacy is needed to ensure that technology is used positively to spread the values of moderation. 34 © The Authors. All rights reserved. Ikhwan Mahmud, and Nur Sakinah This study identifies that technology offers excellent opportunities for modernizing religious practices, but significant challenges remain. Wise use of technology and good digital literacy can help overcome these challenges. This study makes an essential contribution to the field of education by emphasizing the need for curriculum adaptation that considers the integration of technology in religious education. With the right approach, technology can be a tool that enriches, rather than replaces, spiritual experiences. CONCLUSION This study reveals that modernizing religious practices in the technological era presents various challenges and opportunities that society must face. Technology offers the opportunity to expand the reach of religious education and facilitate access to spiritual information more widely and interactively. The younger generation, in particular, can utilize digital applications and social media to increase engagement in religious activities. However, significant challenges also arise, including reduced direct social interaction, an integral part of the spiritual experience, and the risk of spreading inaccurate information. Good digital literacy is key in ensuring that technology is used wisely and positively in a religious context. This will help prevent negative impacts such as misinformation that disrupts social harmony. Therefore, it is crucial to integrate digital literacy education into the religious education curriculum, ensuring that technology becomes a tool that enriches, not replaces, the spiritual experience. Recommendations 1. Integration of Digital Literacy in Religious Education: The religious education curriculum needs to include digital literacy to equip the community, especially the younger generation, to use technology wisely. 2. Leveraging Technology as an Educational Tool: Religious institutions should use digital applications and social media to disseminate religious education more interactively and engagingly. 3. Raising Awareness about Misinformation: Awareness campaigns emphasizing the importance of verifying information and sources can help reduce the risk of spreading inaccurate information. 4. Maintaining Direct Social Interaction: While technology facilitates access and engagement, it is essential to prioritize direct social interaction in religious practice to maintain the depth of spiritual experience. 5. Developing Policies and Regulations: Governments and religious institutions need to develop policies that support the positive use of technology in religious contexts, including protections against misuse and misinformation. REFERENCES Abdullah, A., & Hasyim, U. A. A. (2023). The Islamic religious education teacherâ€TMs professionalism in instilling religious studentsâ€TM character. AMCA Journal of Religion and Society, 2. Abdullah, M. A. (2022). Islamic Religious Education Based on Religious Intersubjectivity: Philosophical Perspectives and Phenomenology of Religion. 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